
Here is the list of plugin commands


This is the main command of the plugin and with it you will be able to access all the other commands for the most part

Short Command: /Ac


This command will show you a message with the list of available commands and the information of what they are for

Command: /Ac help

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.Help


This command is used to reload the plugin files

Command: /Ac reload

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.Reload


This command will show you important information about the plugin such as version and help links

Command: /Ac info

Permission: You don't need permission


This command will open a menu in which are the colors that can be selected

Command: /Ac color <player>

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.Color


This command will open a menu in which you will find some player options such as color or player mute

Command: /Ac player <player>

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.Player


This command will allow you to mute a player and they will not be able to send messages in chat

Commad: /Mute <player>

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.Mute


This command will allow you to unmute a player and they will be able to send messages in chat again

Command: /UnMute <player>

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.UnMute


This command will allow you to clear the chat

Command: /ClearChat

Permission: AdvancedChat.Command.ClearChat

Last updated