
Here we can find information about the plugin configuration.

Below you will find the configuration that the plugin already has defined by default

#     ___   ______
#    /   | / ____/
#   / /| |/ /      By jonagamerpro1234
#  / ___ / /___    Version 1.6.0
# /_/  |_\____/    Thanks for using AdvancedChat <3
# ● a simple plugin that helps you customize your server chat to make it look better also provides a customizable chat system by group or rank
# ● Spigot:
# ● Songoda:
# ● Wiki [Working Progress]:
# ● Discord:
# ● Issue Tracker:
# ● Plugin Statistics:

  # |Config-Version| I would not change anything
  Config-Version: 1
  # |Update| This function lets you know if there is a plugin update [Does not disable console messages]
  Update: true
  # |Use-Default-Prefix| if it is true it will use the prefix of the plugin itself, but if it is false it will use the prefix that you define in [Prefix: 'my server']
  Use-Default-Prefix: true
  # |Prefix| here you can define a custom prefix
  Prefix: '&6[&bMy Server&6]&7'
  # |ChatForma Type|
    # [default] use default chat by minecraft
    # [custom] use the chat defined in [Custom-Format]
    # [group] use the chat defined in [Group.<name>] but you need to add the permission that you defined for the group
  ChatFormat-Type: custom
  # |Show-Chat-In-Console| here you can enable or disable the chat to be seen in the console
  Show-Chat-In-Console: false
  # |Default-Color-Message| Here you can define the chat color that is assigned by default to players
    # The color system does not work with (&) but uses a simpler system that is by color names, here below you have the list of available colors
    # Color List:
  Default-Color-Message: 'white'
# | ClearChat |

  # |AutoClear| you can activate the automatic cleaning of the chat according to the number of ticks

    # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
  # |Default-Start-Tick| Here you can define the first ticks that are executed when starting the server
  # Wiki:
  Default-Start-Tick: 100
  # |Ticks| here you can define the time that the actions are automatically executed [Default | 24000], 24000 tick = 20 min
  # Wiki:
  Tick: 24000
# | Hooks | Here are all the configurations of the plugin implementations and more

  # |LuckPerms| Here you can configure everything related to LuckPerms and or deactivate or activate functions

    # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
    # |Use-Luckperms-In-Groups| When using this option, the groups are discovered with the LuckPerms system
    Use-Luckperms-In-Groups: false
  # |Vault| Here you can configure everything related to Vault and or deactivate or activate functions

    # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
    # |Use-Vault-In-Groups| When using this option, the groups are discovered with the Vault system
    Use-Vault-In-Groups: true
  # |DiscordSRV| Here you can define the discord channel where the messages from minecraft to discord are seen
  # !This characteristic is in the experimental phase!
   # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
    # |Channel-ID| Here is the id of the channel that is used for the chat
    Channel-ID: 'none'
# |Command Blocker|
# |here you can block the commands that you do not want to be used on the server at the moment it does not have the function of [antitabcomplete]
 # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
  Enabled: true
  # |Mute-BlackList| In this list you can define which commands the silenced players cannot use
   - '/tell'
    - '/me'
    - '/say'
    - '/msg'
    - '/minecraft:me'
    - '/minecraft:tell'
  # |BlackList| In this list you can define which commands cannot be used by players in general including your server staff [this function may change in future updates]
   - '/plugins'
    - '/pl'
    - '/?'
    - '/ver'
    - '/version'
    - '/bukkit:version'
    - '/bukkit:pl'
    - '/bukkit:plugins'
    - '/bukkit:ver'
    - '/bukkit:?'
    - '/icanhasbukkit'
    - '/about'
# | Default Format |
# | This section serves as an emergency backup in case any of the other functions do not work properly. |
Default-Format: '<&f<name>&f> &f<msg>'
# | Custom Format |
# | here you can customize the chat in a general way that affects both ranks, groups, and has all players |
# Permission: AdvancedChat.Chat.Color.<value>
# Permission: AdvancedChat.Chat.Color.*

  # |Format| Here you define the chat format for all players.
  Format: '%luckperms_prefix% &b<name> &8&l>'
  # Not Implement
  Discord-Format: ''
  # |Type| Here you can find two types that are [ normal | modify ]
  Type: normal
  # |HoverEvent| This section allows you to modify the hover events in the chat

    # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
    # |Hover| This section allows you to define the hover text
     - '&6> &aHello &b<name>'
      - '&6> &e%player_exp_to_level%'
      - '&6> &dadd more lines like these'
  # |ClickEvent| This section allows you to modify chat click events
    # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
    Enabled: true
    # |Mode| there are three different modes which are [ command | suggest | url ]
    Mode: command
    # |Actions| This is where are the available events that you can use
      # |Command| Clicking on the chat will execute the command defined in the config
      Command: '/say <name> hello server'
      # |Url| Clicking on the chat opens a link
      Url: ''
      # |Suggest-Command| Clicking on the chat suggests a command that you define in the config
      Suggest-Command: '/msg <name>'
# | Groups | !This feature is disabled!
# | here you can customize the chat of different groups or ranks in a more specific way
# | with this format you can add more groups
# | [!] Groups to work need Vault, the name of the range must be the same as in the permissions plugin
# Permission: AdvancedChat.Chat.Color.<value>
# Permission: AdvancedChat.Chat.Color.*

    # |Format| Here you define the chat format for all players.
    Format: '&b<name> &8&l>'
    # |Type| Here you can find two types that are [ normal | modify ]
    Type: normal
    # |HoverEvent| This section allows you to modify the hover events in the chat

      # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
      Enabled: true
      # |Hover| This section allows you to define the hover text
       - '&6> &aHello &b<name>'
        - '&6> &e%player_exp_to_level%'
        - '&6> &dadd more lines like these'
    # |ClickEvent| This section allows you to modify chat click events
      # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
      Enabled: true
      # |Mode| there are three different modes which are [ command | suggest | url ]
      Mode: command
      # |Actions| This is where are the available events that you can use
        # |Command| Clicking on the chat will execute the command defined in the config
        Command: '/say <name> hello server'
        # |Url| Clicking on the chat opens a link
        Url: ''
        # |Suggest-Command| Clicking on the chat suggests a command that you define in the config
        Suggest-Command: '/msg <name>'

    # |Format| Here you define the chat format for all players.
    Format: '&c[Admin] &b<name> &8&l>'
    # |Type| Here you can find two types that are [ normal | modify ]
    Type: normal
    # |HoverEvent| This section allows you to modify the hover events in the chat

      # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
      Enabled: true
      # |Hover| This section allows you to define the hover text
       - '&6> &aHello &b<name>'
        - '&6> &e%player_exp_to_level%'
        - '&6> &dadd more lines like these'
    # |ClickEvent| This section allows you to modify chat click events
      # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
      Enabled: true
      # |Mode| there are three different modes which are [ command | suggest | url ]
      Mode: command
      # |Actions| This is where are the available events that you can use
        # |Command| Clicking on the chat will execute the command defined in the config
        Command: '/say <name> hello server'
        # |Url| Clicking on the chat opens a link
        Url: ''
        # |Suggest-Command| Clicking on the chat suggests a command that you define in the config
        Suggest-Command: '/msg <name>'
# |Filter Chat|
# |here you can filter the unwanted words on your server and have a little more control over the chat

  # |Enabled| Here you can enable or disable this feature
  Enabled: true
  # |Message| here you can define a personalized message that will be sent to the player
  Message: '&e[!] you cannot use this word, it is &nblocked!'
  # |BadWords| The format is very simple, you just have to add the word you want to censor to the list
   - 'noob'
    - 'stupid'
    - 'fuck'
# |Translation of messages from AdvancedChat|
# |Version: 1.6.0|
  ClearChat-Server: '&7The chat has been cleaned'
  ClearChat-Player: '&7The chat has been cleaned by &b[&e<name>&b]'
  No-Permission: '&cYou dont have permission to do that!'
  No-Permission-Label: 'Ask the server owner or an administrator for help for more information.'
  Error-Args: '&cUnknown Arguments'
  Reload: '&aReload Completed'
  Help-Mute: '&7Use &b/Mute &e<player> &7'
  Help-UnMute: '&7Use &b/UnMute &e<player> &7'
  Help-Cmd: '&7Use &b/AdvanceChat &8| &9/Ac &6Help &7 show more information of plugin'
   - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &8| &9/Ac &7these are the variants of the main plugin command'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6help &7show this same message'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6reload &7reload the plugin files'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6info &7shows information about the plugin'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6color &7 open color gui'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6player &e<player name> &7open the player settings'
    - '&5> &b/Mute &e<player name> &7mute the player'
    - '&5> &b/UnMute &e<player name> &7demute the player'
    - '&5> &b/ClearChat &8| &9/Cc &7clean the chat when it is very full or necessary'
  Mute-Bypass: '&eThis player cannot be muted because This player cannot be muted because he is bypassed'
  Mute-Player: '&b<name> &cis now muted!'
  UnMute-Player: '<name> &ais now unmuted!'
  Player-Is-Not-Mute: '&e[!] &cThe player is not muted'
  Player-Is-Mute: '&e[!] &cThe player is already muted'
  Alert-Mute: '&e[!] &cright now you are muted'
  No-Online-Player: '&cThis player does not exist or is not connected!'
  No-Use-Command: '&e[&b!&e] &cYou can t use that command! &b[&c<cmd>&b]'
  No-Use-Command-Mute: '&cYou cannot use that command while it is muted! &b[&c<cmd>&b]'
# This is the end of the configuration ... [-_-] more things coming soon
# | Config File
# | Version 1.6.0

Last updated