
Here you can learn how to correctly configure the Settings section

Config Version

This section is only to detect the version of the config.yml and prevent it from being outdated

  Config-Version: 1

Do not recommend modifying this section


This feature helps servers know when there is a new update, if you don't want to receive update notifications, set this option to false

  Update: true

Use Default Prefix

If it is true it will use the prefix of the plugin itself, but if it is false it will use the prefix that you define in the Prefix section

   Use-Default-Prefix: true


Here you can define a custom prefix, this only affects some functions or commands

  Prefix: '&6[&bMy Server Name&6]&7'

Show Chat In Console

With this function you can activate or deactivate that the chat messages appear in the console

  Show-Chat-In-Console: false 

Default Color Message

Here you can define the color of the chat that is assigned by default to the players when they enter

  Default-Color-Message: 'white'

The color system does not work with (&) but uses a simpler system that is by color names, here below you have the list of available colors

pageColor list

Last updated