
# |Translation of messages from AdvancedChat|
# |Version: 1.6.0|
  ClearChat-Server: '&7The chat has been cleaned'
  ClearChat-Player: '&7The chat has been cleaned by &b[&e<name>&b]'
  No-Permission: '&cYou dont have permission to do that!'
  No-Permission-Label: 'Ask the server owner or an administrator for help for more information.'
  Error-Args: '&cUnknown Arguments'
  Reload: '&aReload Completed'
  Help-Mute: '&7Use &b/Mute &e<player> &7'
  Help-UnMute: '&7Use &b/UnMute &e<player> &7'
  Help-Cmd: '&7Use &b/AdvanceChat &8| &9/Ac &6Help &7 show more information of plugin'
   - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &8| &9/Ac &7these are the variants of the main plugin command'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6help &7show this same message'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6reload &7reload the plugin files'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6info &7shows information about the plugin'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6color &7 open color gui'
    - '&5> &b/AdvancedChat &6player &e<player name> &7open the player settings'
    - '&5> &b/Mute &e<player name> &7mute the player'
    - '&5> &b/UnMute &e<player name> &7demute the player'
    - '&5> &b/ClearChat &8| &9/Cc &7clean the chat when it is very full or necessary'
  Mute-Bypass: '&eThis player cannot be muted because This player cannot be muted because he is bypassed'
  Mute-Player: '&b<name> &cis now muted!'
  UnMute-Player: '<name> &ais now unmuted!'
  Player-Is-Not-Mute: '&e[!] &cThe player is not muted'
  Player-Is-Mute: '&e[!] &cThe player is already muted'
  Alert-Mute: '&e[!] &cright now you are muted'
  No-Online-Player: '&cThis player does not exist or is not connected!'
  No-Use-Command: '&e[&b!&e] &cYou can t use that command! &b[&c<cmd>&b]'
  No-Use-Command-Mute: '&cYou cannot use that command while it is muted! &b[&c<cmd>&b]'
# This is the end of the configuration ... [-_-] more things coming soon
# | Config File
# | Version 1.6.0

Last updated